Tuesday, July 22, 2008


Spirit sez... This isn't kitty related, but, if you like Horror Movies, could you please go vote for our Momma's friend?

Ezra sez... Our Momma goes to school to study broadcasting and film and one of her good friends entered his short independent film in a contest.

Spirit sez... It's called The Incredible Falling Apart Man

Ezra sez... It's gory, but really good!

Spirit sez... So if you have a second, please check it out and vote! You have to register, but it's free and only take a second.

Ezra sez... The webiste is : http://www.projectbreakout.com/shortfilm2/mediapage/248

Thursday, July 17, 2008


Ezra sez... So what have we been doing while we've been gone?

Spirit sez... We're going to do a Thursday Thirteen and show you

Ezra sez... I've been nomming some fevver balls

And making my best "baby face" to get snuggles from Momma

Spirit sez... I found this awesome box and turned it into a bed!

Then I got nipped out and begged for Tummy Skritches

Ezra sez... Why does Momma call me Tommy Two Chins when I sleep like this?

Spirit sez... Thiz mai bag now. Kthnxbai

Spirit sez.. Look how cute I am. Pet me now, woman!

Ezra sez... Hey Momma! Whatcha doin?

Ezra sez... No! No work today!

Ezra sez... I'm Adbenture Cat!

Spirit sez... I did some Super Cool Upside Down Flying!

Spirit sez... Then it was nappy time

Ezra sez... And what has Momma been doing during all this time? Working, taking classes playing Guitar Hero

Spirit sez... She also left twice for a whole weekend to go to big Music Festivals in Birmingham

Ezra sez... But, to make it up to us, she did this.....!!

Spirit sez... And here's a bonus pic. Momma is a big nerd and thinks this LOLcat is hilarious.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008


We've only posted 2 blogs this year? That changes... starting tomorrow!