Thursday, December 20, 2007


Spirit sez... We gots our Secret Paws gifts.

Ezra sez... There's no pictures of us opening the box, 'acause Momma sed we were being brats and blocking the shots
Spirit sez... But Momma did take some pictures in the offer room.

Ezra sez... Our card sed our Secret Paws were Abby and Boo!!
Spirit sez... Thanks guys... We luv the toys and the 'nip and the gras!!!!!!!!!
Ezra sez... We are obsessed with eating grass so this is the coolest thing ever!!!

Spirit and Ezra sez... Thanks again!! We luff it!



We are so glad that you liked your SP. We had a lot of fun putting it together and sending it to you.

Abby and Boo

Toffee K. Ripple Fuzzypants & Feline American Angels said...

Those are great Secret paws from Abby an' Boo. I think that I'd like those pink puff-ball thingies. They look like fun.

Daisy said...

That little pink toy looks very fun! Abby & Boo are nice.

Parker said...

That's a great bunch of gifts!

Artsy Catsy said...

Spirit & Ezra, we hope you and your family are having the Meowiest Christmas ever!!

Holiday Purrs,
& everybody at Artsy Catsy

Karen Jo said...

You got some great Secret Paws presents. A very Merry Christmas to all of you.

Tesla and Hansel said...

what a wonderful thing presents are!

snowforest said...

Wow so many toys! Fanks for visiting our bloggie ~ u both are adorable kitties :)

Love and purrs from the SnowForest family :)

Anonymous said...

We were looking at your pictures and we are very jealous of your PINK HOUSE!! It's gorgeous!

Kimo and Sabi said...

WOWY - great stuff!

Leslie said...

G'day again from your Australian friends. :)

Have you played in your pink house today?

The Cat Realm said...

You got some really nice gifts there!
Thank you for introducing Beethoven!